Record your own sales conversations and analyze with AI

Perfect for shop calls or analyzing your 1 on 1 sales conversations

1 Call Your Property: Dial your property's number to start your mystery phone shop.


Or use our AI Smart Audio Recorder: If you'd prefer to call from your phone or having trouble above

2 Name your Phone Shop (Optional) Create a helpful reference to remember this phone shop by ie: 'You x Landmark May 12 - Good Call'.
3 Ask your Leasing Team Questions as a Prospect Utilize the provided questions as cue cards or your own questions to better evaluate your leasing agent's performance.

Basic Intro: Could you tell me a bit about the housing options available?

  1. Do you have any 1 bedroom or studio apartments?
    • Helps potential renters understand the variety of options.
  2. Can you provide details on the size and layout of the apartments?
    • Renters will want to know about square footage and l...

Pricing/Objection Handling: How do you justify the price of the accommodation compared to other options in the area?

  1. How does the rent compare to similar properties in this area?
    • Justifies the cost based on location and amenities.
  2. What is included in the rent?
    • Helps assess the total value by knowing what utilities and services are included....

What unique experiences or amenities does your accommodation offer to enhance the living experience?

  1. What amenities are available to residents?
    • Gives insight into the lifestyle promoted by the property.
  2. Are there community events or activities?
    • Helps gauge the community environment among residents.
  3. **How do you handle mai...

Lead Capture Test: Would you be interested in booking a virtual tour of the accommodation?

  1. Would you like to schedule a virtual tour to see the apartment and amenities?
    • Invites potential renters to experience the property remotely.
  2. **Can I schedule a time for you to join a live virtual walkthrough with one of our leasing ag...

4 View your evaluation Once processed, your transcript from the call will be available here. There you will also find a scorecard and AI review rubric for the call